Drug Screening
Drug screening can be a useful tool in helping an individual evaluate the extent of his or her drug use. Because no quality control exists among street drugs, people often are surprised to find, through a drug test, exactly what was in the substances they used. People utilize our drug testing services for a variety of different purposes.
For Families
If you are concerned about your child’s use—or potential use—of alcohol or other drugs, you may find that having your child participate in random drug screening can provide structure and support to help prevent substance use. Many families include random drug screening as a requirement for their teenager to obtain and retain driving privileges.
For Employers
PEER Services can assist you with your pre-employment and random drug-testing needs for employees and applicants. For volume business, we can establish a contract which includes volume discounting.
For Court/DCFS Referred Individuals
If you are being required to take part in random drug screening as part of court supervision, probation, parole, DCFS, or other mandated service, we are here to help you fulfill your requirements easily and confidentially. Our knowledgeable, respectful staff are here to help you succeed in meeting all requirements.
Drug Screening Options
PEER Services offers three different drug screening options.
- Alcohol EtG test
- Synthetic Cannabinoid test (e.g. Spice or K2)
- Standard 10-panel drug screen (most commonly used drug screen). This includes, but is limited to:
- Alcohol
- Marijuana
- Cocaine
- Opiates
- Amphetamines
- Benzodiazepines
To help ensure the best use of your time, we encourage you to schedule an appointment for a drug screen. Appointments can typically be scheduled within 24 hours, and results are typically available within five business days.
To find out more or to schedule an appointment, please call:
In Evanston: ☎ 847.492.1778 and ask for the Adult and Adolescent Treatment team.
In Glenview: ☎ 847.657.7337 and ask for the Adult and Adolescent Treatment team.