Outpatient Treatment
PEER Services’ outpatient treatment services are part of our Adult Treatment program. Outpatient treatment is designed to meet your specific needs and to help you gain tools to live the life you want. PEER Services offers individual and group treatment provided by highly skilled, caring professionals. We will work with you to develop an individualized plan designed to reduce harmful substance use and to help you fulfill your individual potential.
Individual Outpatient Treatment. Sessions with one of our Master’s-level Adult Treatment clinicians provide you with support, recovery resources, understanding and encouragement as you seek a healthier life. Based on your needs, your treatment plan can include up to two individual sessions per week. At PEER Services, your individual treatment is always a deeply respectful and collaborative process, following your pace, your goals, and your measures of health and success.
Group Outpatient Treatment. Groups can provide a powerful source of help for you in shaping a healthier life. In our Outpatient Treatment program, multiple groups are offered throughout the week. These sessions, led by a master’s level professional, provide you with helpful group interaction, education, understanding and support.
To find out more or to schedule an appointment, please call
Evanston: ☎ 847.492.1778 and ask for the Adult and Adolescent Treatment team
Glenview: ☎ 847.657.7337 and ask for the Adult and Adolescent Treatment team