Compilation of online resources and websites to learn more about drug use, prevention, and treatment. For webinars, click here.

Click here to access the Mental Health taskforce’s latest version of MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE USE RESOURCES IN EVANSTON.

Our go-to websites and resources

Ask, Listen, Learn

Get your facts, tips on how to talk to teens.

Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit

Created by educators, parents, and researchers aimed at preventing middle and high school students’ use of tobacco and nicotine.

Talk. They Hear You.

SAMHSA’s campaign that guides parents on starting the conversation.

IYS: Illinois Youth Survey

Get access to local data points around substance use attitudes and behaviors among 8-12th graders.

Mental Health Coalition

Great website with an array of good advice and resources

Staff Picks!

Recent resources that we found interesting. (Rotating list)