Our Services

Click on each one to learn more. Head to our FAQs for other questions.

Addiction Treatment

Intensive Outpatient treatment programs for teens and adults. Specialized treatment plans- individual and group treatment, Parent or family meetings. Learn more: 

Early Intervention

Support for teens experimenting with alcohol or drugs. Short-term counseling and alcohol & drug risk education. Parent guidance and support provided. Learn more…

MAR Services

For adults with opioid use disorder. Treatment includes education, training and support. We use FDA-approved medications to help adults through opioid withdrawal and towards recovery. Learn more…

DUI Risk Education

We are licensed by the State of Illinois to provide Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Risk Education classes for adults. We offer services that will help an individual meet any of the levels of education and/or treatment that the Illinois Secretary of State may require. Learn more…

Prevention Programming

Campaigning and education about drugs, misuse, resources, and mental health in schools and communities. Learn More…